Can phone go in sauna? [7 tips]

Can phone go in sauna? It’s generally not recommended to bring your phone into the sauna (including the dry sauna).

But with the increasing use of smartphones, understanding the risks and measures to protect your phone and stay connected in sauna environments is crucial.

can phone go in sauna

Understanding the risks

It’s essential to comprehend the array of potential risks of bringing a phone into the sauna during your sauna experience with a quiet atmosphere, health benefits, muscle recovery, or weight loss.


Saunas generate intense heat, at a certain temperature range: between 150 and 195°F.

Exposing Android phones/iPhones and other electronic devices to such a high temperature range can lead to thermal stress and permanent damage.

It can cause the battery to degrade rapidly and components to malfunction.


Saunas and steam rooms create an environment with high humidity levels.

This moisture can seep into the phone through its various openings (this is also why you must not charge your phone inside a sauna).

When moisture infiltrates the internal components and moisture sensors, it can lead to corrosion, short circuits, and malfunctions.

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EMF and ELF exposure

Saunas emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) and extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation.

Extended exposure of Android phones/iPhones to these fields in a sauna environment can be harmful.

It could potentially interfere with its signal reception, affect battery life, or cause minor disruptions in device functionality.

The impact of these emissions on most phones is usually minimal.

However, prolonged exposure to EMF and ELF radiation may contribute to subtle performance variations over time.


Sweat, a common occurrence in saunas due to high temperatures, poses a significant threat to phones.

Sweat can cause corrosion, short circuits, or damage to the components.

Even small amounts of sweat infiltrating the device can gradually accumulate and lead to hardware malfunctions.

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Saunas can harbor various germs and bacteria due to the humidity and warmth.

When you bring your phone into the sauna, it can easily become a breeding ground for these microorganisms.

Regularly sanitizing or cleaning cell phones becomes crucial to prevent the spread of germs.

Invasion of privacy

Bringing a phone into a public sauna poses a risk of unintended privacy breaches.

Using your phone might inadvertently expose sensitive or private information to others present.

Moreover, many people could see this as a breach of public sauna etiquette as they don’t want you to potentially take photos or videos there.

Therefore, exercising caution and considering privacy concerns is essential.

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7 tips to protect your phone in a sauna

Before taking your phone into the sauna, I recommend implementing specific precautions that can help safeguard it from potential damage due to heat, moisture, and other sauna-related risks.

Tip 1: use a waterproof and heat-resistant phone case

Invest in a high-quality phone case explicitly designed to withstand heat and moisture.

Look for cases with a waterproof rating (IP68, for example) to shield your phone from moisture ingress.

Heat-resistant cases can provide an additional layer of protection against the sauna’s high temperatures.

It helps in reducing the risk of thermal damage to your device.

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Tip 2: keep the phone in a sealed plastic bag or waterproof pouch

Place your phone in a sealed plastic bag or a waterproof pouch before sauna sessions.

Ensure the sealing is airtight to prevent moisture from entering and reaching the phone’s components.

Using a waterproof pouch with a secure closure can act as a barrier against humidity and sweat.

It can safeguard your phone while you enjoy the sauna’s heat.

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Tip 3: limit exposure time 

Limit the duration your phone spends in the sauna.

The longer it’s exposed to high heat and humidity, the greater the risk of potential damage.

Keep your phone away from direct contact with heat sources.

Position it on a surface or in a spot where it won’t be directly exposed to extreme temperatures.

Tip 4: power off the phone or enable airplane mode

Turning off your phone completely before sauna sessions can help reduce the device’s exposure to heat and limit its performance.

If you prefer not to power off your phone completely, activating airplane mode can disconnect it from cellular networks.

It also can limit functions that might generate heat or increase the risk of damage.

This can reduce the phone’s overall activity and exposure to potential risks during the sauna session.

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Tip 5: wipe off moisture and condensation immediately

Keep a clean, soft microfiber cloth handy to immediately wipe off any moisture or condensation that accumulates on the phone’s surface.

Pay special attention to drying openings like charging ports, speakers, and microphone areas where moisture might gather.

Gently wipe these areas to prevent water ingress into the device.

Periodically check your phone for any signs of moisture buildup during sauna session use and promptly remove any dampness.

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Tip 6: allow the phone to cool down gradually after leaving the sauna

Once out of the sauna, don’t expose your phone immediately to cooler temperatures.

Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to form inside the device.

Let your phone cool down naturally in a neutral environment with moderate temperatures.

Avoid placing it directly in front of an air conditioner or fan, as rapid cooling could lead to moisture buildup within the device.

Give your phone sufficient time to adjust to the ambient temperature before attempting to use it or charging it.

This practice helps prevent potential damage caused by thermal shock.

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Tip 7: stick to the entrance

The entrance of a sauna often experiences better airflow and lower temperatures.

This area generally provides a slightly cooler and more ventilated environment.

By staying closer to the entrance, you minimize your phone’s exposure to extreme heat.

It helps in reducing the risk of overheating and potential damage to the device.

Position yourself and your phone closer to the entrance to benefit from improved ventilation and lower temperatures.

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Safeguarding your phone in a sauna requires careful consideration and proactive measures to protect it from heat, moisture, and other potential risks.


Is it safe to take phone in sauna?

Taking a phone into a sauna or steam room is not recommended due to heat and moisture risks.

Can I take Apple Watch in sauna?

Taking an Apple Watch into a sauna is generally not recommended due to heat and humidity.

What can you bring into a sauna for entertainment?

Waterproof devices or materials like waterproof books.

Can you read in a sauna?

Yes, with waterproof and heat-resistant materials.

How long should I sit in a sauna?

Typically 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing with tolerance.

Monitor your body temperature and heart rate.

Leave the sauna immediately if you’re not feeling well.

Can you use a cell phone in an infrared sauna?

Yes, it’s safer to use cell phones in the infrared sauna.

Infrared saunas operate at lower temps and don’t generate as much moisture as traditional saunas.

But it’s recommended to limit usage in infrared saunas anyway.

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