Why do I feel worse after infrared sauna: Top 14 reasons you feel sick

Why do I feel worse after infrared sauna? What can be better for your health than a peaceful sauna session? Spending your leisure time relieving muscle cramps and releasing the tension from the sore spots. A relaxing sauna session is just what the doctor ordered!

The infrared sauna session seems to be the most popular alternative to any other typical sauna session. The majority of infrared sauna users state that they experienced an improvement in their overall health. Additionally, many experts claim that infrared saunas are beneficial for many conditions.

On the other hand, some people have reported that they often feel worse after infrared sauna session. Many years ago, when I first started going to the infrared sauna, I often felt worse after. To understand why, I started researching information on the infrared sauna and discovered many interesting things. In this article, I will discuss the benefits, precautions, and other effects of infrared sauna treatments.

why do i feel worse after infrared sauna

How does the infrared sauna work?

Before we jump into a discussion, it is better to learn about the way the infrared sauna works.

Infrared saunas are built with entirely different mechanisms compared to others.

As the name states the infrared sauna uses infrared light to alter the body temperature. The IR light is invisible to the human eye and does not trigger any physical sensation.

Far-red lights have longer wavelengths. These waves can reach deep skin and organ layers, initiating a heating process. Thus, the infrared does not heat the air inside but works directly on the body. This mechanism prevents heat exhaustion and exposure to high temperatures.

Normally, infrared sauna runs on lower heat than other types of saunas. IR saunas maintain temperatures around 100-120 degrees whereas typical saunas usually around 130-140.

Exposure to excessive temperature even for a brief time can lead to unwanted results.

Since infrared sauna heats the body, it does not cause side effects such as overheating, unlike traditional saunas.

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Is it normal to feel exhausted after infrared sauna?

Usually, infrared sauna use should make you feel relaxed and at ease. However, you should never feel worse after infrared sauna use.

If you end up feeling dizzy or start to feel sick immediately leave the sauna. Trying to analyze the cause of the problem. Ask yourself ‘Why do I feel worse after infrared sauna session’?

Why do I feel unwell after a sauna?

In this section, we carefully listed the possible causes of your sickness after IR sauna usage. See if the following list of conditions check any of your present state.

The following list includes health conditions that can make you feel worse after using an infrared sauna.

Full stomach

The IR sauna experience is as intensive as cardio exercises. You’ll likely feel sick after exercising on a full stomach. This is due to the increased pumping of blood through your vessels and increased pressure. The same applies when visiting a sauna.

When the body is exposed to heat the blood is transported to the skin to release sweat. However, if you are using the sauna after a large meal, you might feel a bit uncomfortable.

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Image credit: canva.com

Low blood pressure

We mentioned in previous sections about the hypotensive properties of the infrared sauna. Consequently, people with low pressure should be cautious when using an infrared sauna.

If your blood pressure is close to the lower range you will likely feel bad after the sauna session.

Irritated skin

Your skin is the main barrier to your internal tissues and organs. It prevents various particles and microorganisms from damaging your system. The list includes protection from heat and rays as well. Therefore, if your skin has any fresh scars or wounds, the unprotected areas will burn which will result in you feeling worse.

Flu-like symptoms

If you are feeling sick after using an infrared sauna, asses for flu-like symptoms. These include hyperthermia, excessive sweating, sore throat, headache, runny nose, and coughing.

If you have any of these symptoms, after using an infrared sauna contact your doctor.

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Image credit: canva.com

Alcohol usage

The alcohol decreases the brain activity and the heart rate. Therefore, the cautions are similar to having low blood pressure.

Medication usage

According to researchers around the world infrared heat is capable of altering the effects of the medication inside the body. 

The biomechanism of the drug is greatly dependent on the conditions inside the organism such as acidity and temperature.

If one of those conditions alters, the effect of the drug will change as well. Therefore, it is essential to contact your physician and get information on the properties of the medication.

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Image credit: canva.com

Recent surgical procedures

Similarly to skin irritation, fresh scars mean reduced protection of the tissues.

Underlying layers of skin are likely to burn under the infrared lights. This will result in you feeling worse and you may end up getting injured.

Additionally, the infrared sauna causes excessive sweating which can lead to inflammation of the fresh wound. 

Older age

Infrared saunas may lead to increased blood pressure and heat exhaustion in elder people. This is due to the lowered core body temperature regulation.

As we mentioned in the previous section, the infrared rays interact directly with the temperature of the body.

When exposed to heat the brain activates the core body temperature regulation system to produce sweat. If the system is impaired the body will overheat which can make the person feel worse.

Individual tolerance

One should reconsider using an infrared sauna if you are intolerant to excessive heat.

Although the infrared treatment runs at lower degrees compared to typical saunas, the heat may still be immoderate for those who can’t take high temperatures.

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Image credit: canva.com

Blood conditions

I advise drinking more water before using the far infrared saunas for those who have health conditions such as increased blood thickness.

Even though maintaining a proper water intake is essential at all times, it is crucial to drink enough liquid before using IR. 


Typically far IR saunas only heat the tissue around the implant without damaging the implant. However, the effect of far rays depends on the type of material that is used in the making of the implant.

In any case, I say that it is better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, contact your doctor or the fracturing company to find out if there are precautions when using the IR sauna.

Heat stroke

If you suddenly feel worse after the infrared sauna chances are that you are having a heat stroke. This can be due to you using the sauna for a prolonged amount of time.

Normally the sauna session should take about ten to twenty minutes at max. Check if you have exceeded the required usage time.

Keep your IR sauna usage in check and try to not exceed the set time limit.

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Image credit: saunasquad.com

Low water intake

If you do not drink enough water before your sauna session, chances are you are going to feel worse after. The average water intake per day is estimated to be around 1.5-2 liters. This means that you have to drink plenty of water daily.

Make sure to stay hydrated at all times especially if you are planning to use the sauna. Drink plenty of liquid to aid your blood vessels and level your blood pressure.

On top of that, the sauna implies a lot of sweating. Therefore, you are required to drink plenty to make up for the water loss.

Too much stress

Infrared light therapy is as intensive to the body as training or running rounds.

Though good for your overall health, it can be strenuous for your body.

There is a time limit that you should maintain when using the IR sauna. On average the time varies from 10 to 20 minutes.

Remember to be mindful of the usage of the IR sauna. Do not push yourself overboard.

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Image credit: canva.com

Do saunas make inflammation worse?

The short answer to the question will be no. On the contrary, many specialists claim that IR treatment aids your immune system to fight off the microorganisms in your body.

On the other hand, we should keep in mind that everybody is an individual. Therefore, it is essential to listen to your gut feeling when it comes to your health condition.

Does infrared sauna cause inflammation?

As we mentioned earlier the IR session does not cause inflammation. However, some people reported feeling flu-like symptoms and stomach ache after the session.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, these sensations can be mistaken for inflammation. Nevertheless, the sensation of stomach ache stems from the detoxification during the IR session.

The common symptoms after IR sauna include fatigue, diarrhea, and tingling sensation in extremities. Many doctors claim these are the results of enhanced blood circulation and deep cleansing.

If you wish to avoid stomach ache have big meals 2 hours before using the sauna.

What are the infrared sauna benefits?

If we have found the answer to your question of ‘why do I feel worse after infrared sauna?’ then we should check the benefits of IR sauna usage.

An infrared sauna session is a great alternative to a traditional sauna. Especially, for those with pre-existing medical conditions.

According to doctors around the world, saunas provide a list of health benefits to people who are not able to use traditional saunas.

Blood circulation booster

The infrared sauna is great for those who have high blood pressure. It is a well-known fact that infrared sauna session widens the blood vessels. This results in the reduction of intravascular pressure. Hence, infrared sauna use might be beneficial for various heart diseases.

Brain benefits

The aforementioned properties of the infrared sauna directly benefit the conditions of people who are affected by brain fog.

The infrared sauna enhances the blood flow increasing the work of the blood-brain barrier.

Removing harmful toxins

Infrared sauna therapy essentially focuses on increasing your body temperature without altering the sauna temperature.

Infrared heat initiates the body’s natural cool-off mechanism which is sweating. As the body produces sweat, it also releases toxins within. Therefore, sauna sessions double as a great way to remove toxins.

This effect also works greatly for those who are looking for ways to reduce smoking. Scientists claim that far infrared sauna treatment helps people quit smoking naturally.

Weight loss

Infrared sauna use has proven to be helpful to those who plan to shed a little weight.

The deep penetrating heat of the infrared sauna results in the activation of the fat cells in the process of thermoregulation. Fat cells are incorporated into the process of energy production.

Although infrared sauna treatment can not singlehandedly reduce your weight, it is certainly helpful. Plus, it is a great excuse to level up your sauna experience.

Muscle pain relief

The sore sensation of the muscles is the result of the increased production of the lactic acid inside it. The lactic acid can get trapped inside the muscle tissue causing pain.

The full-spectrum infrared sauna enhances blood circulation improving the oxygen transportation into the muscle tissue. The oxygen inflow neutralizes the lactic acid and results in pain relief.

This particular peculiarity of infrared sauna use might be essentially beneficial for sportsmen or people with intense workout routines.

Boost immune system

Another benefit of infrared sauna use apart from increased blood circulation is its effect on the immune system.

As we mentioned previously, an infrared sauna elevates the body temperature thus triggering the response of the lymphatic system and activation of blood cells. Therefore, infrared therapy might help eliminate inflammation.


In conclusion, I would like to say that infrared sauna has many benefits as well as some precautions. I hope that this article was the answer to the question ‘Why do I feel worse after infrared sauna?’.

I discussed the major health benefits of the IR sauna and touched on the main reasons why you might feel bad after sauna sessions. While it undoubtedly has many health advantages, make sure to stay in tune with your feelings when using the IR sauna. If you want to have free choice on your IR sessions consider buying a portable infrared sauna.

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